Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We're supposed to finish up the deck's framework today, I'm told. The work crew got here about 8AM this morning, catching us a bit off guard: for the past few sessions, they've been arriving around 9AM.

The crew continues to prime and spackle. Every gap in the drywall, every depression made by a screw, must be filled to produce perfect flatness. Once this process is done, the sanding begins, at which point we'll have to move about the house in masks. Dad's currently out on another Home Depot run ("I live there," he jokes); when he gets back, he and I will be working on finishing up the deck.

Last night, my brother Sean brought his chihuahua Maqz over; Sean's off to Florida for a friend's wedding this weekend, so we're dog-sitting until Monday. Maqz has never seen the house in this state before; he's excited and scared, unsure what to make of all the activity and foreign smells. With a Korean crew here, boshintang jokes abound.

The day promises to be a full one. More later.


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